Mentoring at the Supper Table
Creating a Vision for Parents faith revival at home
At the end of the day: Parents need to go home with a vision that faith can be passed beyond the church connecting the Altar table to the Dining table and more!
Session I: Orientation and Setting the Scene
9.00 – 9.30: At ease, be at home!
9.30 – 10.30: Mass: Creating a Eucharistic Experience at Home
- What has worked and What has not worked in our passing our faith?
- Your Home is the Church
- Kitchen is the sacristy; Washroom is your Baptistery; Bed Living Room is your Choir area; Dining table is the altar and your parents are the primary minsters of the Eucharist/ The priest at home. So you are the priest! Are you Happy!
- So what did Jesus do at the last supper table?
- Living the Eucharist at home by creating a Eucharistic Experience at home where there should be a parallel between:
- Mass parts (Celebrant Greeting; Penitential Rite; Word proclaimed; Offertory; breaking of bread and wine; communion and farewell
- Mass Actions need to have a parallel at home (Take, bless , give thanks, break and give)
10.30 – 10.45: Morning Tea Break
10.45 – 11. 30: Share your struggles in passing the faith
11:30 – 12.30: Challenges in accepting realities: Our own brokenness and flaws. (wedding at Cana and the Syrophoenician woman episode)
- Are we truthful? Jesus remained silent to Pilate’s question, “what is truth” and only the truth can set us free.
- We may have facts, facts can indicate truth, but truth is always an emotional experience not a rational concept!
- Realities Exist, we can deny it and not bypass it, but Realities is the first sign of truth
- Accepting the Realities is the second and the link to truth
- Letting the accepted realities change us, alter us, refine us in actually the truth.
12.30 – 1.15: Lunch
1:15 – 2.30: Accompanying on the Faith Journey without arguing or admonishing.
Emmaus Example: God can be experienced only through you and NOT through a seminary or at Potta. Luke 15:
2.30 – 3.15: Let us listen to them! (Five youngsters why they stopped going to church etc.,)
3.15 – 4.00: Leveraging your children’s beauty and all they have.
They too have God-sense you need to recognize that. Do not make children in your image! They have a better person to be imaged after and he said that thousand of years ago! Your job is to recognize that image! Those become your connecting points!
4.00 – 4.30: Creating the Eucharistic Experience at home:
Sum up and praying for consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.